Free Chiptune Midi Vst

Posted By admin On 24.12.20


VST plug-in for authentic Atari ST chipsounds
Emulates the built in YM2149 sound chip with a decent plugin user-interface on your PC

So you're looking to create chiptune music, you have your DAW up and running, plugged in your MIDI keyboard, but you don't know how to create the classic sounds you're looking for. Look no further! This article will list some of the best VSTs I've personally used at some point in the past, what makes them worth using, and some comparisons. For instance, Bias can keep a note natural even if a vocalist alters the pitch of its sustain. A little dated, X42 Autotune nevertheless brings in great functionality to the fore with MIDI and audio side-chain inputs. 9) Auto-Tune Evo. Another solid free autotune VST on our list, Auto-Tune Evo offers two distinctive ways to deal with pitch. - A site listing MIDI plugins - This is the main list of MIDI fx (effects). Instead, the NES sends a random sequence of bits directly to audio out. This is analagous to a square wave with a continuously-varying random pulse width. The NES produces noise in repeating sequences of 32767 or 93 bits. The pitch or color of the noise is variable at 16 modes. These modes are mapped to MIDI notes in our VST plugin.

The current ymVST version is v1.0.. download here (670k)
MIDI Information

You can click here for cool YM chip music

ymVST was created by Atari chip music freak Gareth Morris aka gwEm.. Send him an e-mail, visit his homepage.


What is STj?
This question was just a cheap way for me to hype my Atari ST DJ software STj ;)

Why was ymVST created?
I got a tracker program called 'Sk@le' which has great stylez and accepts VST plugin synths. I wanted to use chip sound in my tracks, so I made this. Ironically Sk@le does not yet support this VSTi, so I can't even use my own work.. However if you use a VST compatible host maybe you can!

Which Atari program did you rip the interface from?
MusicMon2 by Frank Lautenbach, with beautiful interface GFX from Sven Bauer. Get it from Dead Hackers Society, a great Atari scene homepage.

Will a Mac version become available?
The program I used to make it 'synthedit' is only available for PC at the moment.. If a Mac version comes out I would of course make a Mac port of the plugin, but I don't think the guy will do it anytime soon.

Why doesn't ymVST have any fake_style knobs and sliders?
Because they're fake ;->

But the envelope control is faders in disguise?
Yes, but I quantised them to 16 levels like the real thing.

Don't dont you think the whole philosophy of this project is fucked up? Isn't VST against the chip music ideal?
I agree it seems a bit weird. But actually I disagree. I made the plugin to avoid all the usual VST shit, ie no knobs etc etc, so the interface is still real. Of course a 500Euro PC is more expensive than a 10Euro Atari.. But lets be realistic, everyone has at least access to a PC these days and can use this straightaway. If your favourite music program supports VSTs (as mine does) then why learn something else? The plug-in is especially useful if you want to add a chip flavour to your work easily, without sampling or messing around. You can also use MIDI controllers etc etc. But if you are serious you should go to ebay and buy the real thing - it is better than this plugin, and the software is for free........... But if you wanna go portable Atari laptops are pretty rare, and you can get a PC one very easily.

What does ymVST offer over QuadraSID from reFX?
Atari and not C64 sound. Its free. It has a more authentic interface.

How accurate is the ymVST to a real Atari ST?
Pretty close. 'Angel sync-buzzer' effects are emulated the worst. For the emulation I assumed an infinite frequency resolution. In realitythis is not the case and only certain frequencies are possible. There is slight audible aliasing on the square waveform. The hardwaveformshave been quantised linearly and not non-linearly. The noise volume is constant with frequency, in reality it reduces with increasing frequency. Noise frequencies are also only 85% accurate to the real YM2149.

Isn't a 10 step envelope pretty shit? Give me more resolution!
To be honest I like it, and it never cause me a problem.

What sounds can I make with ymVST?

  • Authentic bleepy/micro sounds
  • 3 step arpeggiated chords
  • Kicks, hihats, snares and other percussive sounds
  • Hard and soft buzzer effects (saw and triangle hardwaveforms)
  • Angel sync-buzzer effects (square+hardwaveform+sync) - emulation not 100%
  • SID effect (squarewave plus software generated squarewave)
and also some 'fucked up sounds' and 'weird acid shit' by playing with it enough.

What are the liscensing conditions for ymVST?
Use it in your own music as much as you like. Give it to all your friends. If you put it on your own website you absolutely have to link to this page. You aren't allowed to hack the plugin in anyway. You aren't allowed to sell the plugin.

Will there be new versions of ymVST?
Probably not.. Unless you give me a very good reason.

What do all the knobs and controls do?
You should work it out for yourself - its more fun that way.

Is there a master volume control
Yes, but its hidden. You need to use a MIDI controller. ymVST is also sensitive to velocity.. You could also turn the synth down in your editor.

Now I have ymVST is there any point in me buying a real Atari ST?
Yes, you should definately buy a real Atari ST. ymVST is close to the real thing, but it will never be 100%.

Does ymVST have any bugs?
There is one known bug concerning the Arpeggio and Envelope. The first step is always 1/2 the length it should be. I do not plan to fix this unless there is enough demand.

Is there anything special with the portamento?
Yes, if the setting is 1 or greater then the note is not retriggered. The note is only retriggered when the setting is on 0.

How can I use ymVST authentically?

  • Have maximum 3 ymVSTs running simulaneously
  • Don't use the hardwaveforms on more than 1 track at once (unless your playing the same note)
  • Only use 1 noise frequency at one time

Why does the hardwaveform stop increasing above a certain frequency?
Thats how it is with a real YM2149.. There is a maximum frequency limit for hardwaveforms.

Why does the square wave stop decreasing below a certain frequency?
See above, there is a minimum frequency limit for the square wave.

Why doesn't the envelope work when the hardwaveform is activated?
Its to be exact to the original hardware.. The YM2149 soundchip allows manual envelopes or hardwaves and not both.

Are MIDI controllers implemented?
They should be on all the controls, but I never tested it.

Any other big-ups?

  • Big-up to Tao for revealing to me the secret of the SID effect
  • Big-up YM Rockerz for inspiring me
  • Big-up drx for giving me MusicMon2
  • Big-up for existing
  • Big-up SynthEdit the tool I used to make this (dont ask me for the source)
Also VST is a trademark of Steinberg because they invented it.. I never used any of their software though, so its not really a big up, more an acknowledgement.

All of the following tracks were composed to sound like old gaming consoles music. Download any of them and don’t worry about copyright, this royalty-free chiptune music is under a Creative Commons license, use it freely and just remember to add a link to or my name Patrick de Arteaga in the credits of your project.

Game Over
This retro music style is what a 8-bit video game needs. Ideal for hopeless moments.
Boss Fight
Every game has a difficult challenge. This track is perfect for it.
Central City
The best thing about chiptune songs is that you can use them in almost any genre.
Common Fight
Action royalty free chiptune music. Ideal for clashes and battles.
Dangerous Dungeon
This track can set a dark and heroic atmosphere, ideal for dungeons.
Major Loss
Sad and emotional theme, special for retro and vintage games, 8-bit style.
Never Surrender
Perfect for hopeful moments and revealing scenes. This song can be very emotive.
New Hope
I imagine this song playing on a title screen of a fantasy game. Can be?
Happy and bouncy music, ideal for mini-games or retro style projects.
Yellow Forest
Mystical, soft and bouncy song. Where can you use it? You know better than me.
Chiptune and electronic music were mixed to make this rhythmic tune.

These musical works are published under a Creative Commons license that allows their distribution and modification, even commercially (as long as they are part of another audiovisual project), provided that you grant the appropriate credit by sharing a link to this website or mentioning the name of the author: Patrick de Arteaga.

The term “non-copyrighted music” used on this website refers to the fact that the musical works displayed here do not retain all rights reserved. However, works with Creative Commons licenses are, in effect, protected by national laws and international copyright agreements.

What is chiptune, chip music or 8-bit music?

Simply put, we could say that it is music that is played on sound chips of old gaming consoles, such as NES, Atari, Game Boy, etc. And the complex part, we say that digital music is stored in bits, and bits represent the capacity of a digital receiver to recognize and transform analog waves of musical instruments into digital information.

The greater the number of bits, the greater the amount of information in an audio file. To get an idea, today it is normal to work at 16 bits, which are 65536 amplitude levels, and even at 24 bits, which is more than enough to make the recording of a musical instrument to sound as the reality, and create a digital representation quite true to the original.

However, all of the above doesn’t have much to do with what we know as “8-bit music”. It is called like that because the game consoles of that time were “8-bit consoles”. It must be borne in mind that nowadays the amount of bits in an audio file is not the only thing that indicates its sound quality.

The reality is, due to the fame of many games in the past, chiptune music is currently considered a musical genre, is a cultural movement that goes beyond the technology used at that time to create video game music.

How did chiptune emerge as a retro musical genre?

The world is full of curious people who want to know how an electronic device works, how to hack it to get new functionalities or just for fun. In some way, chiptune music is born thanks to this movement, where curious people hacked video games to break the barriers of the software.

Among the discovered functionalities, there was the possibility of altering the functioning of the sound chips and taking control of them to use them as audio synthesizers, which allowed to use them to create their own melodies.

Over the years, synthesizers that now emulate the same type of sound from yesteryear emerged, although there are chiptune artists who prefer to continue using Gameboys or old gaming consoles to compose, and even to play live.

How is chiptune music different from conventional music?

Musically, there are no differences, it consists of melody, harmony, and rhythm. The difference is in the limitation imposed at that time by the 8 bits in variety and sound quality, which made every song sounded practically with beeps.

Another feature of this particular genre is that its sound chips used to play a maximum of three sounds simultaneously (or three musical notes played at the same time), where, in addition, the sound effects also used the same audio channel as the music, which caused that it stopped momentarily to play the sound effect. Nowadays, this is not taken into account when creating 8-bit music.

At present, the chiptune music genre has very diverse artists, there are even bands that use conventional instruments such as guitar, bass, drums and add sounds of a Game Boy as a substitute for any other instrument.

Royalty-free 8-bit music for video games

Like any musical creation, this type of music may be tied to copyright. However, it is possible to find free non-copyrighted music like the one you can download in this section.

There are several types of license. Particularly, my royalty-free audio tracks are under a Creative Commons License, which indicates that you can modify them and even use them for commercial purposes, but you must indicate that I am the original author of the works.

There is no difference between the quality of copyrighted music and non-copyrighted music. However, sometimes copyrighted music may offer certain advantages when it is compiled in packs, such as the one you can find on my store, where you will find a variety of formats, soundtracks with leitmotiv, etc.

How to make 8-bit music?

Free Chiptune Midi Vst Plugin

If you want to enter this world as a composer you will need to have a minimum of musical knowledge. Virtual amp free vst. Although it is not strictly necessary to have this knowledge, it will help you to create compositions of greater diversity and better elaborated, besides being much more attractive.

The truth is that within this genre you can create any type of music, you just have to master it a bit so that your songs have a certain appealing when using this type of 8-bit sounds, which after all is simply noise.

When composing, there are several methods to get chiptune style sounds. You can still use the memorable trackers (and their .MOD files), which were the software used to compose video game music at the beginning of the chiptune genre. There are also MIDI synthesizers that emulate their characteristic sound, and there are even audio formats that compile these pre-recorded sounds.

Free Chiptune Midi Vst Download

Could you convert a song at 16 bits to 8 bits?

First of all, we must be careful when using these terms. It is not the same to say “16-bit song” as “16-bit video game song”. And the same should happen with the 8 bits, although in this case the term “8-bit music” has been popularized, referring to chiptune music.

With regard to the converting a 16-bit song (referring to realistic sound music, not to the fourth generation of video games such as SNES or Sega Mega Drive) to chiptune, there are audio editing programs with effects that try to imitate this style, converting a song to 8-bit style. But they are not usually too customizable and the results are not so successful.

If you have a good musical ear, you can remake yourself a song in 8-bit style. But the currently fastest way is getting the song in MIDI format and modifying it with a program that allows you to change their instruments, and that has instruments that imitate the chiptune style.

Download royalty free 8-bit music for games

In this section, you will find some original compositions of chiptune music, totally royalty free. They are designed to be used in video games, prepared to be played in a loop and in a more optimal format. However, you can also use this music in any type of multimedia project, not necessarily a video game.

The Creative Commons license of these songs allows any modification, so you can adapt it to your needs, and even mix it and create new songs. Just remember to include me in the credits, the original author, Patrick de Arteaga. You can do it simply by adding a link to this site.

Free Chiptune Midi Vst Downloads

If these tracks are not enough for you, you can get more simply by subscribing to my newsletter. And if that’s still not enough, you can check my royalty free chiptune and MIDI music packs on my store.

Free Chiptune Midi Vst Plugins

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