Wave Shaper Vst Free

Posted By admin On 25.12.20

VST Plugins

  1. Waveshaper Vst Free Download
  2. Waveshaper Vst Free

These VST plug­ins are pro­vid­ed for free, un­der the con­di­tions found in the li­cense be­low. DO NOT re­dis­tribute them, or link di­rect­ly to the files. Link to this page in­stead. To use them, you re­quire a com­pat­i­ble VST host, and an SSE2 ca­pa­ble CPU.

All plug­ins Copy­right © Jo­hannes S. Mueller-Roe­mer; js­Comp­Shaper al­so Copy­right © Nick Moritz (Voger De­sign).


Yet an­oth­er com­pres­sor, but this one has the abil­i­ty to morph be­tween soft-knee com­pres­sion and wave­shap­ing as de­sired. Fur­ther­more, it pro­vides pre-/post-em­pha­sis fil­ter­ing (sim­i­lar to a side-chain fil­ter) and a more ana­log-like at­tack than js­Comp (see be­low).

Free Clip is an intuitive multi algorithm soft clipper/wave shaper plugin, available as a Windows VST or mac Audio Unit. The plugin allows you to choose between a range of wave shapes or ‘sigmoid functions’, from the most transparent but harshest hard clip, to the ‘softest’ but most saturated arctangent shape. Surreal Machines released Crack, a freeware transient shaper effect in VST, VST3, and AU plugin formats for PC and Mac. Crack is a freeware transient shaper plugin developed by Surreal Machines. The same developer also released a more advanced transient shaper plugin called Impact (€49).

The GUI was de­signed by Nick Moritz (Voger De­sign).


The old, non-GUI ver­sion of js­Comp­Shaper is in­com­pat­i­ble with the cur­rent ver­sion. You can get it here: x86, x64

The free SQ8L synth by Siegfried Kullmann is a software emulation of Ensoniq's classic 1980s synth SQ80. The SQ8L VST features 3 digital wavetable oscillators, 4 envelopes and 3 LFO's. The emulation is very close to the original -in fact it is one of the best software emulations of hardware synthesizers to date. VST 4 FREE - Free Audio Plug-ins and Archives. Soft clipper / wave shaper. Win32 Win64 OSX VST AU Developed.


Waveshaper Vst Free Download

Supported operating systems Windows: Windows 7 – 10. Supported plug-in hosts Ableton Live 9, Cubase 9, FL Studio 12, REAPER 5, Sony Acid, Sonar, Audacity, Adobe Audition, Sony Vegas Pro 10 – 14, Adobe After Effects. This transient shaper has a simple interface and cheap price point, making pretty friendly to producers across the spectrum. The appeal of this VST would be its versatility. The shaper is not just limited to tightening up percussion sections, but can also give synth signals the extra flare they need to shine through the mix.

My first plug­in. A sim­ple hard-knee com­pres­sor fol­lowed by a switch­able brick­wall lim­iter. A short, po­ten­tial­ly in­com­plete man­u­al can be found here.



A sim­ple fad­er/pan plug­in. For the rea­sons be­hind this plug­in, read here: http://fo­rum.cock­os.com/showthread.php?t=49809



This soft­ware is pro­vid­ed free of charge but the au­thor(s) re­tains copy­right. You are not al­lowed to make any copies or re­dis­tribute this soft­ware in­clud­ing but not lim­it­ed to mak­ing the soft­ware avail­able for down­load or mak­ing this soft­ware part of a soft­ware CD com­pi­la­tion.

You are not al­lowed to sell or to rent this soft­ware. You are not al­lowed to re­verse en­gi­neer this soft­ware.

You are al­lowed to use this soft­ware for any artis­tic ap­pli­ca­tion in­clud­ing com­mer­cial mu­sic pro­duc­tion.

This soft­ware is pro­vid­ed 'as-is', with­out any ex­press or im­plied war­ran­ty. In no event will the au­thor be held li­able for any dam­ages aris­ing from the use of this soft­ware.

VST is a trade­mark of Stein­berg Me­dia Tech­nolo­gies GmbH, reg­is­tered in Eu­rope and oth­er coun­tries.

Audio limiters fall into the category of dynamics processors that seemingly don’t do a whole lot, but are nevertheless essential for great sounding mixes.

Similar to compressors in function, limiters limit the dynamic range of signals. That way you can crank out more loudness out of an otherwise weak audio signal.

And while there are many great professional options you could get, there are a bunch of free alternatives. So in this article, we’ll look at some of the best free limiter VST and AU plugins you can try out.

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Wave Shaper Vst Free

Introduction: About Limiters

Like many plugins we’ve covered, both free and professional, limiter software plugins aim to replicate the functions of classic hardware circuits.

Ample bass guitar vst free download. Some of the best limiter plug-ins on the market are able to approximate the sound and response of classic units to a remarkably accurate degree, and even free offerings do a great job of handling standard to more extreme limiting tasks.

Free Limiter Plugins

The List

Free Limiter Plugin Roundup

D16 Group’s Frontier is a limiter plug-in that is capable of so much more than standard peak leveling. Free for registered owners of D16 products–or those who plan to purchase D16 plug-ins in the future–Frontier can work as a mono ducker, a soft clipper, and a wave shaper. And like many of D16’s offerings, it sounds great on single tracks, group busses, and even on the master buss.

Frontier’s automatic gain makeup algorithm normalizes the volume of the signal after the limiting stage. Enabling the soft-clip option and cranking the input will give you a good idea of the plug-in’s wave shaping capabilities.

Frontier doesn’t have as many controls as the more popular paid limiter plug-ins, but it does offer just enough to walk the line between functionality and ease of use. Transparent at moderate settings and characterful at more extreme ones, Frontier is a versatile plug-in that meets the highest standards for software limiters.

Waveshaper Vst Free

LVC Audio’s ClipShifter is more of a bona fide wave-shaping plugin that does double-duty as a clipping limiter. But with its good range of controls that allow for precision tailoring of the sound, it can handle a much more varied array of tasks than your typical saturation plug-in.

From adding grit to bass and drum tracks to sweetening mixes and even maximizing master levels, the ClipShifter handles a multitude of tasks with elegance and ease.

As far as its clipping capabilities go, ClipShifter ranges from hard, brickwall limiting to gentle compressor-style saturation. It can even be set up to respond to transients, giving it more scope than your average limiter plug-in.

Vlagsound’s Limiter No6 incorporates five distinct dynamics processing modules: an RMS compressor, a peak limiter, a high-frequency limiter, a clipper, and a true peak limiter.

These modules give users a broad range of options by which to process individual tracks and masters, and to keep level peaks at bay.

With optional 4x oversampling capability, M/S and multiband modes, and inter-sample peak limiting, No6 is capable of handling most any limiter-specific task.

Results are especially impressive when two instances are used in a chain–one at the start and one at the end. A transparent limiter that imparts that “already-processed” and “mastered” sound to your mixes.

Also from LVC Audio is Limited-Z, which is the company’s definitive free limiter plug-in. A fully-featured, yet easy to use brickwall limiter, it is equally suited to mixing as it is for mastering.

Multiple limiting algorithms are employed with the goal of producing great sound that retains punch, clarity, and transparency.

Even so, Limited-Z is also capable of heating up when cranked, with the “Aggressive” setting especially suitable for livening up drums, guitars, and other sound sources.

Many limiter plug-ins are advertised as having “clear and transparent” sound, but few of them can actually deliver like LoudMax can.

Free wave shaper vst

A look-ahead brickwall loudness maximizer in the vein of Waves’ celebrated L1, L2, and L3, LoudMax manages to retain the original character of the sound even at more extreme compression settings.

LoudMax does have a tendency to pump if the gain reduction is set to high levels, but this is true for the Waves L-series as well. In any case, this plug-in is certainly worth a look if you need a limiter that can handle everything from subtle leveling to more aggressive squashing.

Yohng’s W1 Limiter is a classic in the audio world, and even professional engineers have this in their toolbox along with their pricier plug-ins. The W1 is actually a clone of the aforementioned Waves L1, and by most accounts, it does a remarkable job of replicating the sound and response of the original.

W1 isn’t a 100% spot-on clone. It has a slight dip at 20Hz, and there is a bit of a dip in the low mids as well. In most other areas however, the W1 is a pretty close approximation, and you certainly can’t beat the price.

The aptly-named easyLimiter isn’t the most fully-featured limiter we’ve seen. In fact, it doesn’t even have an input level control.

What it does have are three clipping options–soft, medium, and hard–and a “real time” button.

In any case, it is an undeniably good-sounding look-ahead limiter that is as easy to use as the name suggests.

Top Pick

With so many great-sounding limiter plug-ins…how do we pick just one?

Answer; we don’t! Instead of singling out one of these fine offerings as “The Best”, we would simply advise you to check out as many as you can, and see which one clicks for you.

The Frontier and the ClipShifter definitely rank high up there for their sound-shaping capabilities. A similar argument could be made for the Limiter No6, which adds even more control and an appealing selection of vintage-style GUIs.

Then there’s the LoudMax and the W1, both of which give you that distinct L1/L2 style limiting for free. And for quick and easy no-frills limiting, the Limited-Z and the easyLimiter simply can’t be beat.

Considering that all these plug-ins are free, you could do much worse than to just download all of them and use each according to its strengths.